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Jonas Brothers Fan: Joe Blew Me Off, Made Fun Of Me And My Friends

Tsk tsk, Joe Jonas. There's a reason they say, "Do not bite the hand that feeds you."

The 23-year-old pop sensation was out with his brother Nick Saturday night and, according to one very disappointed fan who reported it to RadarOnline, was anything but nice.

College student Andy Hertfeld, 19, a self-proclaimed Jonas fan, noticed Joe and his girlfriend Blanda Eggenschwiler outside Sauce restaurant in New York that fateful night. He and his friends were so psyched, they decided to catch a glimpse of their favorite singer up close.

“As we were walking closer we saw that he was smoking a cigarette with Blanda, and the minute he saw us walking closer he threw it down," Hertfeld told RadarOnline. "After we approached him, he shook his head no."

Despite that, the excited group kept going. When they got close, one of Hertfeld's friends asked for a picture with the "Burnin' Up" singer. That, claims the college student who's even majoring in music management because of his love for the brothers' band, made Joe snap: "We do so much for you. We do everything and you want a picture? Get out of here," said Joe, by Hertfeld's account.

To add insult to injury, one of Joe's friends then proceeded to mock the group."She was going on and on about my friend saying, ‘Is he going to cry now?' and Joe just laughed right in our faces," Hertfeld told RadarOnline.

Then Nick Jonas stepped out of the restaurant and immediately headed for the car, ignoring his fans. Hertfeld, who in the past spent upward of $750 on concert tickets to see the brothers perform, said "the entire thing completely broke my heart."

This morning, however, the Jonas Brothers were singing a different tune. While leaving their apartment building in freezing New York, a fan stopped Joe and Nick for a photograph and the two happily posed with her, reports Daily Mail.

Joe Jonas' rep was contacted for comment, but has yet to respond.


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