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Cher's "Closer to the Truth"

     I could turn back time, but why would I want to? The real queen of the dance floor, the timeless, flawless Cher returns in 2013 with her first full length album in 12 years as Closer to the Truth hits the web before its official September 24 release date.

   Besides two tracks featured on the Burlesque soundtrack, including the heart-stopping, should-have-won-an-Oscar, "You Haven't Seen the Last Of Me", the new album represents the artist's only new material since the underrated Living Proof... Excuse me as my hands begin to shake even thinking of that small fact... Preceded by lead single "Woman's World" and a leak of unfinished, Lady Gaga-assisted demo "The Greatest Thing", the new effort places Cher on top of the dance throne where she rightfully belongs. Not like she ever vacated the position anyway, but just in case all these young, wannabe divas had any ideas. Glad to have you back Queen!

     When "Woman's World" made its debut back in November 2012, Cher's prepared us for her return to the dance floor with her 26th solo album. The lead single, no matter how successful it was on the charts, is a reminder that even at 67 years old, the artist can still command a pop/dance track with a fun beat and convincing vocals. It may be a woman's world, but Cher is the ruler!

     The first thing you come to realize with "Take It Like A Man" is, where the hell is Jake Shears? You know, the stud from the Scissor Sisters? While I don't know why the track says to feature Shears, it still sounds like a good, angsty, club piece with Cher going at it alone. "Boy if you want my heart, you gotta take it like a man", the queen belts out before a pulsating beat bursts through.

     Cher has always been best when it comes to touching, mid-tempo ballads, sort of like "My Love", where the singer pours her heart out to the man of her dreams. Cher sings she will be there when he needs someone to run to, when he needs someone to hold on to, how adorable is that? It may not be a pounding, four-to-the-floor dance track, but it doesn't need to be!

     The first of three covers on the new album, "Dressed To Kill", must have really inspired Cher since the song is rumored to also be the title of her upcoming tour. Originally sung by Preston, Cher completely makes it her own with her low, yet powerful, vocal performance. The artist gives the sassy song enough attitude to satisfy even the most critical of pop music lovers.

     With its slight Lady Gaga/pop vibe, "Red" is one of the main highlights of the album. As the chorus comes around, Cher soars as she sings "red for my heart, red like my blood, red from my lips, when you told me you were gone", directed towards her jilted lover. Although it can be perceived as a revengeful dance track, you can hear the hurt. Please, please, let this gem be a future single!

     Originally written for 1994's Interview With a Vampire, Cher puts a modern spin on "Lovers Forever", where she tells a man to give up and surrender to her love. You don't have to tell me twice. While the song would not sound out of place on the nearest club dance floor, there is something about Cher's vocals that allows the new track to remain timeless. I cannot get over the violins!

     First violins, and now banjos. Cher sounds fiery with the country-inspired, P!nk-penned "I Walk Alone" which turns into something more beautiful on the chorus. The artist calls herself a joker and a sinner, before admitting you have to tackle things solo sometimes. Besides influencing the album's title, lines such as "I hear the thunder, but I won't back down", make this one a must hear and possible future single.

     "Sirens", another cover, and a track influenced by a personal September 11th experience, brings back the Cher everyone has come to love and adore. Production highlights certain aspects of the song, but remains tamed as the artist's brilliant, show-stopping vocals do all the work. The soon-to-be-everyone's-wedding-ballad would sound at home on Cher's last full release, and to think it's not even her songwriting. Wow, talk about making it your own!

    Half uptempo, pop track/half emotional ballad, "Favorite Scars" falls into the category where you will be shedding tears as you dance around the living room. Love is the inspiration behind many songs, no matter the highs and lows of a relationship, and who better to understand love than Cher? Her vocals sound soft, hold real meaning throughout as she belts lyrics of happiness and despair. Another hit.

     It is shocking to find a Miley Cyrus cover on Cher's new album, but "I Hope You Find It" is just waiting to be heard, and lined up as the UK's second official single. When the artist was planning a full country album, this track could have been an inspiration. "Am I supposed to hang around and wait forever?," Cher asks before ultimately deciding to let go of the one she has held on to for so long.

     The standard edition of the album closes with "Lie To Me", another masterpiece written by rebel, yet true softy, P!nk. The love song is beautifully written as it gives Cher a real chance to put all unnecessary criticism to rest. Yes, it was Cher who introduced the now-annoying use of AutoTune, but the woman can sing, and sing damn well. Her closing performance will cause some tears to be shed. A real powerful ending!

     Closer To The Truth had many expectations, especially being the artist's first official release since 2001, but she puts all rumors and naysayers to rest with an exceptional 11-track album. While the first half is filled with fun, radio-friendly pop tracks, the second half carries more emotional and vocal merit as Cher shines brighter than ever before. Hints of a possible country/blues album can be heard, but it's nice to hear the queen with some pulsating, infectious beats supporting her one of a kind vocal style. If we must wait another 12 years for Cher's next release, I'm sure it will be worth it once again. The album receives a deserved 92%.

Tracks to Hear: "My Love", "Red", "I Walk Alone" and "I Hope You Find It"


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