1. Sweet Georgia Brown Spun Sugar (3 coats) [grey sugar? yuck]
2. Barielle Out-grey-geous (3) [I love the flecks of gold in this]
3. Ciate Paint Pots Velvet Tuxedo (2)
4. Zoya Freja (3) [could have stopped at two coats, probably]
5. Cover Girl NailSlicks Midnight Metal (3)
6. OPI Suzi Skis in the Pyreness Suede (2)
7. Sephora by OPI Shiny Dancer (3)
8. OPI Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous (3)
9. China Glaze Jitterbug (3)
10. Sinful Secret Admirer (2)
11. Finger Paints Winter's Wishes (3)
12. Milani 2.0 (3)
13. Rescue Beauty Lounge Iconoclast (2) [can you say subtle shimmer?]
14. Revlon Top Speed Black Star (2) [more subtlety]
15. Borghese Tempesta Black (2)
16. Borgehse Notte Black (3) [sill more subtlety]
17. Orly Iron Butterfly (2) [love!]
18. Maybelline Matte Grey
19. Zoya Loredana (2)
20. Zoya Dovima (2) [such a great texture; I wish I'd bought all the Zoya mattes when they were available]
Bottles 1 through 5:
6 through 10:
11 through 15:
16 through 20:
We'll just have to see how long I manage to stick to this new rainbow posting order before getting distracted by some other idea. It's worth a try, though, since any time I save pondering which wheel to pick frees up time to ponder other things, like which polishes to swatch.
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