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'Counting On' Star Jessa Duggar's Joke Has Fans Thinking She Photoshops Her Kids in Instagram Photos

Counting On star Jessa (Duggar) Seewald's latest Instagram comment had some fans wondering if she and husband Ben Seewald use some fancy digital tricks to get all their children into pictures. On Thursday, Jessa, 27, shared another perfect photo of their family, and one fan asked how they got Spurgeon, 4, Henry, 2, and Ivy, 5 months, to sit still long enough to capture the cute family moment. Jessa appeared to admit that she does use Photoshop for some family photos in her response.
The photo showed all five members of Jessa's family sitting on a bench and smiling, with colorful fall leaves behind them.
"How is it even possible to get everyone looking at the camera and smiling for a picture? Lol," one fan wrote.
"Nap them, feed them, get a photographer that’s used to working with kids, take 100’s of pics— and if need be, photoshop," Jessa quickly replied.
To be sure fans understood it was a joke, Jessa added two laughing emojis at the end.
"I will keep all this in mind next time. Because this years pictures required photoshop," the fan replied to Jessa.
Other fans were impressed by how great the photo looked.
"Definitely Frame worthy," one person wrote.
"Beau-ti-ful family!! They are all precious, but so glad you finally got your sweet little girl!!" one fan wrote, adding a heart emoji.
"Such a sweet family," another commented.
"Love this!" Anna Duggar, Josh Duggar's wife and Jessa's sister-in-law, wrote.
Jessa's adorable family photo came a few days after she revealed in a recent Counting On episode that Henry is experiencing a delay in talking. Jessa and Seewald took him to see a doctor to have him checked out.
"We are taking Henry to the doctor today to have him evaluated, have his hearing checked and see what they think we should do next," Jessa told viewers. "We realized probably since he was about 18 months old that he wasn’t communicating like his older brother did at that age or other kids did at that age."
She later explained, "We realize that each kid grows at their own pace but he’s not really catching on. He’s not really able to talk and communicate what he wants. A lot of times it's just grunts and pointing and that kind of thing."
During the appointment, the family learned that Henry's hearing is fine, but his speech is delayed. They plan to go to a speech pathologist next.
"We were very happy to hear that Henry’s hearing isn’t an issue. His hearing is perfect," Jessa explained. "Developmentally he’s not behind. It just seems to be a speech issue and she’s recommended that we see a speech pathologist and go from there."

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